Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Since the last time I blogged here I've lost over 40 lbs. It's not because of running, either. In fact, I'm sad to say that I really haven't run very much at all since the summer. Here and there, sure, but I've done a pretty poor job at excersising consistantly since the summer. Many things factor into why, but I guess the main reason is simply that I was losing weight by other means and I didn't feel like getting out there and busting my butt.

In August I started doing Weight Watchers. It had worked for me a couple of years ago when I was trying to lose weight for a trip to Hawaii, but soon after the trip I abandoned the plan and gain it all back and then some. When I started last time I topped out at 238. In August, when I started WW I was a hefty 247. I was almost 250 lbs. and had probably reached that, at some point but had lost some due to the fact that I was running, after all. Once I did finally get around to trying my running out after I'd lost some weight, I was amazed at how easy it was. Imagine carrying around a 35 lb vest and then taking it off. That's basically what it was like. In December Amanda and I got bikes. (By the way, Amanda has been running her tail off and completed a 10K run in Ft. Worth last month. Her time was 1:05, faster than my 5K time of 0:33.) I rode some in January, when I got a chance, but then last week, while we were on spring break I broke out the bike practically every day. I've decided that cycling is definitely my thing, not running. I'm still going to run some, infact I did 2 miles yesterday.

Anybody want to ride?

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